ODD Protocol
Documents on ODD protocol
Optional supplementary reading for Sept. 7.
- The journal article, V. Grimm <em>et al.</em> (2010). “The ODD protocol: A review and first update” <em>Ecological Modeling</em> <strong>221</strong>, 2760–68. . https://www.ees4760.jgilligan.org/files/odd/Grimm_2010_ODD_update.pdf
- A Word document that provides a template for writing ODDs : https://www.ees4760.jgilligan.org/files/odd/Grimm_2010_odd_template.docx
- Lists of scientific publications using agent-based and individual-based models that either do or don’t use the ODD protocol (this appeared as Appendix 1 of the Grimm et al. paper):