EES 4760/5760

Homework #8: Testing and debugging

Due Fri., Sep 27

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Homework Exercises:

  • Everyone:

    • Railsback & Grimm, Ch. 6, Ex. 6.2, 6.3
  • Graduate Students, also do the following:

    • Railsback & Grimm, Ch. 6, Ex. 6.4, 6.5, 6.7

Notes on Homework:

A hint for exercise 6.3: Patches have integer coordinates (representing the center of the patch). How does the turtle determine the angle to face during setup? How does it determine the angle to face in go-back? Can you think of a different way to record the path so the go-back exactly retraces the path it took during setup? If you knew the direction the turtle was heading at each step during setup, could you use this heading information to exactly retrace the path?